Solar module performance: definition and significance for your photovoltaic system

Definition of solar module performance

The solar module power, also known as peak power, indicates how much electrical energy a solar module can generate under optimal conditions. It is measured in watt peak (Wp), which represents the maximum power of a module under standard test conditions (STC). The STC includes a irradiance of 1000 W/m², an ambient temperature of 25°C and a vertical angle of incidence.

Solar module performance is a crucial factor in selecting solar modules and directly influences how much electricity is produced and what amount of energy is ultimately available.

How is solar module performance determined?

The performance of solar modules is determined using precise measurement methods under standard test conditions in the laboratory. The solar module is exposed to a certain amount of sunlight in order to measure the maximum electrical output that can be achieved under these ideal conditions.

Factors that affect solar module performance

Solar panel size: Larger solar panels can capture more sunlight and therefore produce higher amounts of energy. Type of solar cells: Monocrystalline cells tend to be more efficient than polycrystalline cells, resulting in better conversion of sunlight into electricity. Angle of incidence: The angle at which sunlight hits the solar cells affects how effectively the light is absorbed and converted into electrical energy. Temperature: Higher temperatures can affect the efficiency of solar panels as they tend to result in lower performance.

Importance of solar module performance for your photovoltaic system

The solar module performance is essential for the planning and dimensioning of your photovoltaic system. High module performances allow you to extract maximum energy from your system. However, you should also consider the size of your roof area and your annual electricity consumption to ensure the optimal system size.

If you are unsure about which solar modules are suitable, it is worth consulting with experts who can help you choose the right system size and module output.


The performance of solar modules plays a central role in the efficiency and profitability of your photovoltaic system. Careful selection of modules with adequate performance is crucial for the optimal and profitable use of solar energy.

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